Thought & Craft is a product studio and industrial research lab developing software tools and interfaces to help us think and create.

Though the first sentence of this paragraph was written by a human, everything after the "We" was written by GPT-2, a generative natural language model from OpenAI. The set of generated text appearing here is a pre-computed hand-picked sample.

All samples shown here used the following prompt with OpenAI's 774M-parameter gpt2-large model:

Below press release is a brief description of a new creative, design-focused software research lab based in New York City, and what they do.

Thought & Craft is a product studio and industrial research lab developing software tools and interfaces to help us think and create. We


  • Every word as a hyperlink
  • Universal, personal search engine
  • Semantic search for personal knowledge
  • Visualizing the latent space of language



Software knowledge representations Dynamic notation & interactive documents Interfaces to language models Human-AI collaboration Generative ML as a new cognitive technology Search & information retrieval Note-taking workflows Web browsers End-user programming Media-native programming languages User interface as architecture Software distribution